How to estimate your wall putty needs?

How to estimate your wall putty needs?

Wall Care Putty

We all know that putty plays an essential part when it comes to your home. It gives you the necessary foundation and offers your walls a certain smooth quality. Hence, your priority will be to use the best wall care putty.

Although, one question that arises is, how much of putty do you need for your wall? Calculating this is extremely important as a miscalculation here can result in a massive loss for you.

To elaborate, if in case you get less white cement putty than your wall requires, you would be left with a wall that is only half covered in cement putty. By the time you get more cement putty, the part of your wall already covered in putty would have become slightly dry.

Step 1: Calculate the area of your wall

Wall Care Putty

To calculate this area, you first need to identify the shape of your wall. Following is a list of different walls shapes and along with the respective formulas to calculate the consumption:

Rectangular Walls: Multiply the vertical height with the horizontal width of the wall.

Triangular Walls: Multiply the base with the height of the wall and then divide the answer by 2.

Trapezoidal Walls: Sum up the upper base and the lower base of the wall. Divide the answer by two and then multiply it by the height of the wall.

Circular Walls: Calculate the radius of the wall and multiply it by itself. Once you have the square of the radius, multiply it by π or 3.14.

Once you have your respective wall area, calculate the area of the different elements that are not a part of your wall. This shall include your doors and windows. Once you have their areas in place, subtract them from the area of the respective wall. This way, you will have your wall's actual area, excluding the things on which you would not apply your putty on. 

Step 2 – Make Slurry

Slurry Putty

Once you have your wall area figured out, you need to start by making your putty slurry. Now, 1 kg of Birla White WallCare Putty spreads approximately 20-22 square feet of surface area and coverage of 1.86-2.04 square meters per kg.

To make the slurry, slowly mix the Birla White WallCare Putty with 36-38% of clean water. Water must be added in the putty to make a mix and not vice versa. It should be mixed for at least 10-15 minutes until a uniform paste is formed. Using a mechanical mixer is a good idea since this can give you a lump-free slurry that is easy to apply.

When you set out to make the slurry, remember to prepare a quantity that can be used within 2-3 hours of mixing. The reason for this is that after this timeframe, the putty starts drying and settling. Moreover, this is a waterproof putty. So, along with how much putty you need, you also need to estimate how much of this white cement putty you can apply within the said time.

Step 3 – Putty Application

Birla White Wall Care Putty

The right way to apply putty is to spread it uniformly in an upward direction. Once you are done applying the coat on your wall, you will see that it begins to dry. You will see that a film would start to appear at this point on your wall.

If you are looking to apply multiple coats, make sure that you are adhering to the 2-millimetre thickness restriction. The layers you put on later might take more time to dry than the first coat, but make sure that your earlier coat has dried completely before moving on to apply the next one.

It is not necessary to rub the surface once the Birla White WallCare Putty is applied. However, if you feel that you need to remove any unevenness before you go ahead with painting, make sure that you use an emery paper that is not less than 500 paper so that you can get a glossy, white surface.

Calculating the cost

Cost Calculator Image

When we are talking about estimating the putty needs for your wall, one of the essential estimates is the cost. For this, you can make use of the cost calculator by Birla White. That is right, along with producing the best wall putty in the country, we also provide a calculator, so you get an estimation of your expenses. The unique aspect of the calculator is that it also considers the average cost of the labour. However, it is noted that the labour price differs from place to place.